Featured Projects
Buoyancy related projects are often based on the real application of this science.
Above experiment shows how you can make an egg to sink, float or submerge.
Project# EP003
Let Enzymes and helpful microbes work for you.
There are thousands of products in the market today that bacteria and enzymes have been used in their production. Picture in the left shows the experiment of producing carbon dioxide with a biological method.
Starch is an important part of our daily diet. Do we know it’s properties and it’s effect on our body? What about industrial applications of starch.
Project# PX055
Projects related to useful application of bacteria, Enzymes and other organic material are relatively easy to perform and can be used for different grades.
Produce electricity from air and saltwater. Get more electricity by adding more oxygen. Find out how different factors affect the amount of electricity you produce. Project# IC032
Yogurt is a tangy, nutritionally excellent dairy product that can be made at home. It can also make a good ScienceProject for primary up to senior levels. At primary level it is a general food making experience and at higher levels the chemistry of yogurt will be researched.
Project# IC025
Experiment and learn about Electricity and Electrical Circuits.
You have choice of easy or very complex project topics.
Project# EE001
Please see the list of projects for your grade: